
Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Skeezer

I was out and about and somehow ended up at the C&S. Affectionately it was known as the Cut and Shoot. It wasn't one of my favorite hangouts, but it did have one thing going for it. Being that it had the habit of being open most of the time. I walked in the place and it was "Watching people watching you". I headed to the back where the pool tables were, and I pass the long bar thats mandatory in a place like this. There I see this skeezer in a pair of jeans and nothing more than a ratty white t shirt, baggy tits and all, tending bar. I keep walking to go check out the rest of the place and to see if I was staying or leaving. Watching others play pool can be entertaining especially if you have someone running the tables and talking smack at the same time. I decide to stay and see if I can catch the jigling baby at the bar to get a drink. I do and start chatting her up while checking out the displayed nipples that are riding pretty low. Even she became a little self conscious at my staring. We talk and what a revelation, a slut with a suprising store of knowledge. Not much conscience, but you can't be skank with one of those. Turned out she had a Masters degree and was on staff at one of the local colleges. She loved the reaction people got when they found that out about her. I wasn't a dummy either or maybe to her I was just smart enough. I spent enough time then, so I could spend more time later.

I won't even go over how we started hanging out and how good it was at first. Then we hit that "been there done that" stage. It was obvious the girl was bored. Why else would she be up to those carnal acrobatics again. Regular sex just didn't cut it. However it looked, and from that angle it looked pretty fine, intensity was like drug abuse, always needing a bigger fix. I understood what she was going through. With high accomplishments, come high expectations. After all the hard work isn't some fun deserved. Wasn't life supposed to full of exceptional experience for the gifted. Some people are always looking for that unique thrill. I called it short attention span folk disease. That was her type. My type. Just couldn't be happy with the normal routine.

I now remember the bizarre times we had. Hanging out at some club, she's in nothing but a white dress and heels. We're shooting pool while argueing about wheather Toni's lastest short story was really a novel or not. Then as she would bend over for a shot I would stick a finger in and get a fresh feel of that moisture down below. We would then argue if Charles Johnson was a better writer or not and then go outside and get busy in the car parked along a row of downtown shops. She's bent over on the seat, i'm standing with the door open. We finished up and went back in for drinks like thats what everyone did.

I didn't understand everything and wouldn't have it any other way. I thought I knew her well, but even then I couldn't know what she was thinking. Even though we have a few more miles left, school took her else where. We would chat and make plans that always feel through. I saw her online not long ago, looking for bondage fanatics. Maybe she was happy or just killing time like the rest of us.

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