
Sunday, August 22, 2010


"A man has got to know his limitations." That was an interesting quote spoken about dealing with challenges.When guys saw Brenda walking down the hall that quote had the situation down. And don't let her be wearing that yellow dress of hers, it was say hi, focus on maintaining eye contact and best to keep walking. You couldn't trust your behavior around her. She had one of those 'all the time smiling' personalities. It also didn't hurt that she had a body tighter than one of those predator cats you see on Animal Planet. And her walk (on heels of course) something about it just wasn't fair. You didn't have to read my mind to know my intentions.

Now I'm a confident guy or maybe a foolish one. I'm good for a fast line or two. (I know a legend in his own mine) You know what they say you never get a second chance to make a first impression. So next time I see her, I drop my self depreciating type of line that comes across as a compliment at the same time. You know like "am I allowed to walk behind you". Maybe it wasn't my best line, but it got the job done. Next time, I caught her with the "elbow to spine". She thought about it for a second, then jumped away. Even after that ill timed move, we became good friends over the years. I'd go by her office and hear how things were going in her life. She'd tell me about getting her son through high school and then college. I'd make her laugh by sharing my latest misadventure.
"What did you do last night" I asked Brenda.
"You know I hit my spot on Thursday night", she replied. "Did you do anything?"
"I went by Rumors for a bit."
"You pin any dollars?" she laughed"
"I had to, they had this girl smacking her butt cheeks, you couldn't believe how loud of a sound she made!"
"What does your old lady think about that?"
"What my old lady doesn't know, makes her better."
Those were steady times. I'm patient, still had my goals in place.

Maybe I wasn't the best of friends. Maybe the changes were so small over time that I didn't notice them like I should. Not unlike a few events in one's life that sneak up on you, One day I noticed Brenda just wasn't the same. What I noticed first was that she wasn't the feline she used to be. What I should have noticed first was she wasn't happy. Long story short, her husband had left her. Now I don't know both sides of the the story, who was wrong, who was right. But Brenda wasn't a happy camper any longer and it began to show. My mission wasn't even a after thought these days. Yes she could still laugh and she was still alot fun if you caught her hanging out at her spot. But you could always sense the pain that lingered on like a unwanted relative. I could never understand why she never could never move on and find someone new. Some people are like that, its like they are destined to be unhappy for the rest of their life. I shouldn't say unhappy, its that she didn't have the same confidence. Guys were  still after her all the time but the damage had been done.

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